Monastic Schedule of the Sisters

The integration of Prayer Work Study in our lives. Retreatants are welcome to join us for prayer and some work. Interns participate fully in this schedule.




5:00a Pre-Dawn Vigils  Tuesday and Fridays 

5:45 - 6:40a Meditation (Two  25 minute Sessions )

7:00a Morning Prayer

8:00a Breakfast in Silence

9:00a  Lectio Divina

10:00-12:00 a Work

12:20p Midday Prayer


2:00-4:30p Work or Lectio. Individual projects.

4:45-5:10p Meditation Tuesdays and Fridays

5:30p Mass


7:30p Evening Prayer with Compline

 Saturday is a slightly different schedule.



7:30p (Saturday evening) Sunday Vigils

5:45 - 6:45a Meditation

7:00a Morning Prayer

Breakfast in Silence

Teaching of the Abbess

9:15a Lectio Divina

12:00p Mass

Dinner in silence

5:40p Evening Prayer
